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Selectmen's Minutes 10/05/2011

Minutes of Meeting – October 5, 2011; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  
Present:  J McNinch; D Roche; K Fowler; L Messana.  Absent:  D. Trancynger.

MOTION by LM, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of September 21 as presented. 3/0 vote with LM abstaining.

Kennedy Park:  JM listed the various meetings that were held with regard to this issue.  By a 6-3 vote, the Kennedy Park Committee recommendation was to leave the monument as is with the exception of removing the angled part of the top and moving the plaque to the fence after consulting with Mr. Fieldman.  LM stated that there have been many meetings held, and that it is now time to move forward.  The Kennedy Park Committee held discussions over one year ago, the Selectmen’s meeting of 10/22/10 aired 22 times, pictures of the proposed monument were placed on trees over the winter, with the installation beginning in April followed by the dedication on June 1.  It wasn’t until July that the complaints began to come in.  KF added that he hopes that the Citizen’s Advocacy group continues to keep an eye on things going on in town.  JM stated that while the process is probably flawed, the proponents did what they were supposed to do before proceeding.  He sees no reason to change anything.  DR feels that this was investigated thoroughly and that no malice was involved in the installation.  However, he would not vote to expend any taxpayer monies for any type of alteration to the monument.  Changing just for the sake of changing it is foolish.  Changing it to make it better, with Mr. Fieldman’s blessing, would be the way to go.  MOTION by LM, seconded by DR to concur with the Kennedy Park Committee recommendation to leave the belvedere as is with the exception of removing the angled part of the top and moving the plaque to the fence after consulting with Mr. Fieldman.  3/1 vote with KF opposed.  KF would like to leave the monument as is.  MOTION by LM, seconded by DR that in the future when an item such as this is brought before the Board, that no decision be made until a second meeting at the earliest.  4/0 vote.  The TM stated that the Scenic Mountain Act paperwork has been submitted to the ConCom for their October 20 meeting.

EDAPSC Update:  Eiran Gazit stated that the Committee voted to approve the plan as presented at the public forum, and that the Town should move forward with Phase VI, assisting the Chamber of Commerce in attracting new businesses to Lenox.  He stated that the Committee will not be holding any more meetings now that a new Marketing and Events Committee will be appointed.  The Selectmen agreed to hold interviews of those interested in serving, but that the Steering Committee should continue on until the appointments have been made.  MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to approve of the web site.  3/0 vote with LM abstaining.  MOTION by DR, seconded by LM to accept Phase VI, Business Development.  3/0 vote with KF abstaining

MOTION by LM, seconded by DR to approve new statewide mutual aid agreements that provide an umbrella agreement for mutual aid with those communities that sign on.  4/0 vote.

Election Day:  MOTION by DR, seconded by LM to keep the election at Town Hall, but to designate specific areas as parking for voting only.  4/0 vote.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by LM, seconded by KF to approve the following:  A 2-week temporary sign request from the Library and the Housatonic Valley Arts Center for a banner and sandwich board sign in front of the library; one-day A/A license to Denise Durbin for 10/8 from 11am-4pm in the Community Center Ballroom.  4/0 vote.

Wind Committee:  DR suggested that the Board interview the various candidates before the next BOS meeting.  KF mentioned that the new deadline for the Committee to report their findings is now January 15, 2012.

Old/New Business:  KF stated that the 2-hour parking signs are gone and need to be reinstalled or we need to start to use the Explorers to monitor parking.  He also mentioned that the bases of those sculptures that were damaged need to be removed.  He reported that the Town is moving forward with the Lee/Lenox solar project.  The committee interviewing the various vendors has recommended that the towns enter into negotiations with Broadway Electric.  MOTION by KF, seconded by LM to begin negotiations with Broadway Electric for a solar installation at the old landfill and possibly other sites.  4/0 vote.  DR suggested that the Town get copies of contracts from other towns that they are working for.  DR suggested that we try to get names from Lenox Dale and New Lenox to serve on the new Marketing Committee.  LM read a letter received from the PTO thanking the Town for allowing them to utilize Lilac Park during Apple Squeeze.  She went through the September and October employee anniversaries.  

She brought up the subject of a dog park that the Town of Lee is looking into, and asked the other members if they felt that Lenox had any interest.  It was agreed that we should contact Lee to obtain additional information.  MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to pursue this matter.  4/0 vote.  JM mentioned that the Planning Board is looking at open space and sign bylaws, and that open forums regarding sign regulations will be held on October 11 and 18 to obtain public input.  He asked to obtain attendance records from all of the various boards.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                       Board of Selectmen